Feel the Funk and Move On

mindset Jul 16, 2019

Tools; they get us through life.  The tools of life.

Left and right we can feel triggered emotionally.  Up and Down.  When I was younger, I would get consumed by the downs.  They would literally take me down where I didn't leave my bedroom - especially late in high school and through college. 

Since then I’ve taken control of my health, especially with what I put into my body.  Food is a source of stress for all of us and once I learned how different foods affect hormones, metabolism, and emotions, I quite literally changed my life.  (We talk about this in my Core Club.)

Beyond that, there’s the mental piece.  It’s such a complex place, that can feel out of control at times.

I always say, if you're feeling out of control emotionally, you've GOT to have a toolbelt of tools to access at all times to help you through, ESPECIALLY when times are tough.  The tools help build a strong foundation, plus they can be extremely handy when you feel hopeless.

I teach these tools in my Core Club.  Along with Pilates workouts, you receive brain training too because it's all connected if you want to live a sustainable healthy awesome life.

My mind got the best of me negatively for way too long.  I still have ups and downs, but the difference now is the downs don’t knock me over like they once did.  I know how to quickly build up.  AND I also know when I’ve got to allow myself to wallow in it, accept it, and then I go to my tools.

These tools are backed by science and by the Universe. You’ve got to believe in a higher power of some sort.  God, Spirit, Divine, Universe, Quantum Physics…anything that you can put your faith in.

For me, I’m a science person.  I need evidence and rules to follow, that's how my brain works.  But as the evidence keeps proving correctly, my spirituality keeps growing.

We are all made up of energy and this energy has a vibration.  When you are down in the dumps your energy is at a low vibration and therefore can only attract things that are at your current frequency.  If you are high flying and feeling awesome, your vibration is rockin’ positivity and you attract high-frequency things, events, and people into your life.  Like attracts like.  It’s proven in science and it’s proven in nature.

There are many other laws too, such as The Law of Cause and Effect, The Law of Compensation, The Law of Rhythm, and The Law of Polarity.

These laws have their own meaning and purpose in the Universe and you can learn how to use them to your advantage.

When you understand the Laws it’s a bit easier to get out of the lows.

My friends used to joke with me about my funks.  Is Gretchen coming out tonight, or is she in one of her funks?  I missed out on way too much when I was younger, I wish I understood these laws then.

My biggest piece of advice when you’re feeling down is to decide to get back up.  That’s it.  Make the decision to feel better.  Might sound ridiculous and way too simple, but when you decide, your brain will help you find things to feel better about. 

Your thoughts are incredibly powerful.  Use that power to your advantage.

Acknowledge the negative thoughts, but then say that’s it!   Decide to feel better and do what you have to do to get there.  Change your state of being and what you see around you will change too. 

Don’t resist the negativity, just acknowledge it, maybe ask a few questions like, what is this negativity telling me?  What am I supposed to learn from this? Let the negativity help you expand and grow and use it to your benefit.

There’s a deep power in you.  Don’t let the negative circumstances in your life prevent you from showing up in this world like you are meant to.  The world needs you. 

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