Find Your Pelvic Alignment

Uncategorized Jun 22, 2021

If you’ve been following me for a while,  you know that I’m a big believer in the importance of finding connection in our movement.  I want you to stop thinking that an exercise is supposed to look a certain way.  Instead focus on how the movement feels in your body.

So often we lose the juicy parts of movement because we’re so focused on getting to the end result. We get a picture in our mind of how we think it’s supposed to look, and we miss out on all the details along the way.

And if you also know me, you know I’m ALLLLL about the details. 

Results are in the details.

In today’s video I explain “The Power of the Pelvis”.  There is so much power in our body when we connect to all the different muscles around the pelvis.  I call them the BATH muscles.


B   utt

A   bs

T   highs

H   ips


As you continue on your Pilates journey, you’re going to want to tune into these muscles big time.  Strengthening and connecting to these muscles will help you decrease your back pain, hip pain, knee pain, neck pain, and whatever pain you have ailing you at the moment.

I was speaking to one of my clients the other day and she was amazed at how her hip pain went away.  She had the pain for years and then POOF.  A few months of Pilates and it's gone.

Almost like magic. 

But it’s not magic, it’s knowledge we should’ve been taught ages ago.

Why aren’t we taught how to use our body earlier?  Like when we're developing.

Imagine learning how to use your body properly in grade school?  Imagine where you’d be today?

For most of us, it wasn’t something we ever learned or talked about.  In gym class we were told to do 10 push-ups.  We did it, pinched shoulders and all.

A few weeks ago, my 10 year old son came home with a sore back because he did too many situps in gym that day.  I asked him to show me his sit ups.  I was horrified.

So of course, I made him lie down with me and I taught him how to do them properly.  He was surprised at how much better he felt.  And stronger too!

We learn our habits at a young age, and it’s not our fault that we have them today.  It’s all we know. 

But, now you have me.

So please, give your body the time to re-learn these movement patterns and alignment tools.  Think about how long you’ve been moving!  You need to allow time for your body to learn and create new neuro pathways. You’ll get there.  And your body will thank you with more energy, strength, and suppleness.

Watch today's video and learn all about the Power of the Pelvis!


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