There's No Such Thing As "Before" or "After"

mindset Jul 23, 2019

Have you ever noticed in Before and After pictures, the “before” person looks miserable and in the “after” they are all smiley and life is great. 

So let me see, if I can get myself to look like an "after" picture then I will be happy?

What hogwash.

For years I worked to achieve the after photo, striving to look perfect so I could finally start living the way I really wanted. 

You know how it goes "when I lose the weight I will"…

Always putting plans off for the future. 

Here’s the thing, there’s no such thing as BEFORE or AFTER.  There’s only NOW. 

I know, I know, you hear that all the time. Live in the Now.  But seriously, there’s no real destination.  It’s all a ride. A journey.  The wonderful “I am who I am right now at this moment” journey.

So my advice, "Enjoy the ride!" 

Take it in.  The nitty-gritty, the ups, and downs,  the jeans are tighter than I’d like them to be.  You are a kick-ass amazing person.  Sorry if I offend you with my language, it’s my way of stressing the fact that you are more than your circumstances.  More than the way your clothes fit.  More than how many times you worked out this week.  More than the number on the scale.  More than your strict and restrictive food plan.

When you can accept where you are now, love who you are now, live life fully in the now - that’s when things are wonderful.  That’s when the magic happens.

Let’s say you have a goal to lose 20 pounds.  It’s ok to want to lose weight, BUT you can’t want to lose weight and hate your body at the same time.  You can’t create anything from lack and negativity.  It’s impossible.  And you’ll probably end up more sluggish and heavier than before.

You’ve got to come from a place of love and appreciation before you can make any lasting change.

And let me tell you, this idea is the exact opposite philosophy of any diet I’ve ever been on.  Here, follow this plan, don’t cheat, and you’ll lose the weight and then, wallah you’ll be happy! 

Yeah, right. 

It’s not easy to come from a place of love when you’ve spent years hating your body.  You’ve got to go deep.  Like soul deep.  You’ve got to find the place in you that loves unconditionally.  No strings attached kind of love.  It’s there, probably a bit dusty, but there nonetheless.

So how do you find this love, you ask?

In stillness.  In the quiet moments of just being.  You’ll feel this love like a ray of ray sunshine engulfing your heart.  We all have this love inside of us.  Everyone.  When you feel it, you’ll never want to let it go.  You’ll do whatever you can to feel it again and again.

All you have to do is get quiet again.  Listen.  Your love will pop up and say hello.  It will become your best friend.  With you through everything.  Thick and thin.  Always there like a faithful companion.

Bask in the quiet moments just before you fully wake up in the morning; when you’re showering for the day, the breaths before you enter a room full of people,  It’s felt in the in-between moments.  No ego, no shoulda, no I’m not good enough.  Nope, instead, it’s the pure, clear, and peaceful energy in you that is stronger than any diet, workout-plan, or fitness trainer barking orders at you. 

You have the power to make anything happen when you quiet the mind and listen to that deeper place inside you.

Just as you would “workout” your body, you’ve also got to “workin” your mind.

When you train your mind to be quieter, you’ll hear the messages from your body.  These messages are the pathway to your goals.

You have to believe you can.

You’ve got to know you deserve it.

And more than anything you have to make you a priority.

When you come from this loving and supportive place you actually WANT to move your body, eat nourishing food, take time to "be". 

If you want to learn this way of living, I’ve got a cool program coming in September.  I’m in the process of putting it all together for you!

If you join the Core Club now, my online Pilates Member’s club, you’ll get access to this program when it’s ready in September.  Core Clubbers get access to all my coaching programs. 

Currently, I’m running a special, two weeks free when you join the Core Club. 

We’re so much more than Pilates!  Pilates is a lifestyle.  You can learn how to incorporate the Pilates Principles into everyday life.  Come check it out!

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